Sunday, February 5, 2023

What Happened To Beth Presswood?


Beth Presswood  Update

Where is Beth Presswood in 2023 after the divorce from Matt Dillahunty? What is she doing after the false sexual assault allegations against David Silverman?

Presswood is an unattractive, unintelligent dumb female atheist with no personality. Nobody would know who she was or care if she hadn’t married Matt Dillahunty. With him running the Atheist Experience and ex-president of the Atheist Community Of Austin she was able to get her own Podcast called Godless Bitches to spew her Third Wave Feminist garbage.

Beth Presswood formerly married to Matt Dillahunty
Beth Presswood

2023 Update

Beth’s LinkedIn profile reads “ Third year Durham University student currently on a year abroad at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Expecting to graduate in 2023 with a 1st in Combined Honours in Social Sciences (Anthropology and Sociology).”

She remarried last year and seldom posts on social media anymore.

Her most recent Tweet reads “In the ER to get Methotrexate for an Ectopic Pregnancy”

I don't feel  sorry for her.vShe and Rebecca Vitsmum deserve a lot worse after maliciously ruining David Silverman’s career. Over the years she helped feminism poison atheism and it got to the point where in the “Skeptic Community” all it took for a man to be considered guilty of sexual assault was for a woman to claim it.

Beth Presswood Twitter Miscarriage

Presswood Abusing Youtube Censorship:

Beth Presswood wants to hide information and videos being spread against her false allegations against David Silverman. She has launched a campaign where anytime someone makes a video with her name she reports to Youtube and gets the video taken down for “violation of privacy” You have to go to other sites such as Bitchute to see videos about her.

I have tried to upload videos of her onto my Youtube channel but she gets them removed when I use her name with a “privacy violation” even though she use to be a public figure.

It is hard to find recent videos or blogs about the David Silverman incident she had with him because she does false flags.

After the divorce with Matt Dillahunty and ruining David Silverman’s career with false allegations of sexual assault she stopped being active in the atheist community.

She is still around on Facebook and Instagram if you get her to accept your friend request but only does dumb shit like post Etsy crafts. She is trying to vanish from any mentions of her related to the Atheist Movement.

beth presswood sex Etsy craft photo
Beth Presswood Sexual Etsy Craft Photo

Silverman quotes Presswood as saying during the sexual encounter “Call me a whore. I used to be a prostitute and need to be shamed for it” –Beth Presswood and asked him to spit in her mouth

Godless Girl, anti-feminist, adept at philosophy and debate. I mostly target my fellow stupid atheists

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