Darth Dawkins
“Absolute” = That which is true for all time, in all places and for all people.
“Accounts for all dependency states” = Fancy way of saying existence is dependent on the first cause, otherwise known to DD as God.
“Actual” (facts) = Derived from God’s existence.
“Adult-like behavior” = White-knighting Darth Dawkins.
“Atheism” = “An indirect denial of God” culminating in a worldview centered around a “non-personal absolute”.
“Atheist Helpline” = Deceptively named in order to draw the curiosity of non-theists so he can take advantage of his mod powers to control any discussion he might trick them into having with him. It has been invariably referred to as a “sandbox” by those who recognize the hypocrisy and bigotry with which he runs the room and have, rather aptly, compared it to a sandbox wherein the only children permitted to play are those Darth like, namely his sycophants.
“Argumentative” = Denoting the act of disagreeing with any or all of Darth’s assertions.
“Agnosticism” = Atheism.
“Autobiographical statement” = Personal opinion.
“Autonomous reasoning” = Refers to the rapid growth in scientific knowledge and progress that gave credence to the idea that human reason was sufficient in itself to pursue and attain truth. Hence, the idea of an “autonomous” person would refer to someone who is capable of making a rational and informed decision without being beholden to or reliant on the intervention of an external authority, be it directly or indirectly.Treated as a bad thing by Darth Dawkins, who insists that a person’s “autonomy” somehow “blinds them” and prevents them from “seeing the truth.”. In short, when Darth talks about people “giving up” their autonomous reasoning, it means that they have stopped thinking for themselves and accepts the BIble on faith.
“Ad hominem” (attack/fallacy)” = Latin for “to the person”, short for ‘argumentum ad hominem’, typically refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking and/or ridiculing the character, motive, age or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. When called out for using this attack, it’s usually followed up with, “It’s not an ad hominem… How long have you been studying philosophy? I’ve been studying this for forty years/since you were wearing diapers, I could be your father.”
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Background information” = Allegedly referring to the correct answers to various philosophical and ontological questions, but used in a manner implying the pursuit of cherry picked answers conforming to his own preconceived conclusions, and hence a byproduct of confirmation bias.
“Your mother’s basement”= Frequently referred to by Darth as a primary dwelling place of various religious and non-religious individuals who disagree with him. Theorized by some to be an instance of projection on Darth’s part.
“Bloviate” = To elaborate on the specifics of an argument for an unneeded amount of time, constantly shutting down any person wishing to clarify (or ask for clarification), acknowledge they already have heard this specific “background information” in its literal presentation ad-nauseum. This bloviate session is usually tied together, thereby going into Gish Galloping.
“Bible” = Refers to the collection of sixty-six books worth of extraordinary claims made by various primitive, 1 superstitious desert-dwellers during the Bronze Age.Otherwise known as “Special Revelation,” or the “eternal, infallible, inerrant Word of God”. The truth of which, conveniently enough, is as per the view of presuppositionalists somehow not subject to the fallacy of special pleading despite its numerous, unsubstantiated assertions.
“Borrowing from the Christian worldview” = A cheap cop-out used by Darth and other creationists to credit any or all the merits that the other side of the argument might have to God. While flawed, the logical reasoning appealed to stem from his presumption that God exists, and as the Creator of the universe, everything that is, is derived from him.
“Burden of proof” = Refers to the obligation put on somebody presenting a new idea (a claim) to provide evidence to support its truth (a warrant). Labelled an ‘atheist cliché” or “canard” by Darth Dawkins in an act of stubborn refusal to acknowledge that the God-claim has yet to meet its burden of proof, and will often prompt him to question the validity of his interlocutor’s reasoning, or outright question their ability to reason to circumvent the point.
“Brute fact” = Defined in contemporary philosophy as a fact that cannot be explained (as opposed to simply having no explanation). To reject the existence of brute facts is to think that everything can be explained. Defined by Darth as “Your final, most contextual explanation for any fact, but that fact is not absolute in and by themselves.”
“BTFO” = Acronym which stands for “blown the fuck out.” Generally used to refer to a sports team that loses to another by a large margin. Especially if the losing team was expected to win. Darth, however, is inclined to state that various interlocutors he has encountered were BTFO’ed in debates with him, conveniently leaving out how the debate were more likely than not ended prematurely by Darth after he server muted his opponent for disagreeing too much.
1 To see if people have a “basic understanding of scripture”, he will often ask people who admit to have any sort of familiarity with the Bible about the chronology of the books in the new and old testament. Usually, he will ask them what the “the 5th book of the New Testament” (Acts), “the last book of the Old Testament” (Malachi) and “the last book of the New Testament” (Revelation).
“Category error” = The reason given for why whatever fallacious argument he is making isn’t really fallacious, with the act of pointing out the fallacy in question being a “category error” for whatever reason. Whenever he does this, it is actually in itself a fallacy, namely special pleading, even though he will claim it isn’t.
“Causal relations/connections” = Generally speaking, this is used to refer to the law of cause and effect. Invariably used by Darth to mean the string of events that can trace anything and everything in reality back to God.
“Childish” = The act of being in a disagreement with Darth Dawkins.
“Class” = A group, set, or kind sharing common attributes.
“Canard” = Usually referring to an unfounded rumor or story, though Darth uses it to describe an attempt at using an analogy in order to get points across that are inconvenient to his argument. See “evasive”
“Community College lecture” = Roughly equivalent to Gobbledygook. Often used to belittle the person he is talking to, despite his own apparent inability to provide any credentials to give credence to the idea that he knows better.
“Craven” = Denoting an individual that is contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly.
“Chicaneries” = Deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry; see fuckery
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Deceptive” = Denoting the act of bringing up a point that is inconvenient to his script or not giving a yes/no response to a loaded question (in which he will ask, do you know what a loaded question is).
“Dillahunty” = Matt Dillahunty. Outspoken atheist and host of a weekly online call-in show called The Atheist Experience who banned Darth Dawkins from calling in to them after both his disrespectful attitude towards the hosts of their sister show, Talk Heathen, as well as the fact that he was informed that Darth had encouraged people to prank call the show, Ever since, Darth Dawkins have insisted Dillahunty is afraid to face him, much to the amusement of atheists and intellectually honest theists alike who recognize the falsity and absurdity of this claim.
“Double talk” = Synonym with Gobbledygook.
“Drank the Kool Aid ”= These words of wisdom is a reference to the Jonestown tragedy of 1978, when a 2
delusional, pseudo-guru named Jim Jones led his cult, the Peoples Temple, to mass suicide. Over nine hundred people, including three hundred and four children, “killed themselves” by drinking from a vat of grape-flavored drink laced with cyanide at Jone’s behest. This idiom has on occasion been used as a word of caution for people not to accept claims and/or hold beliefs without first having a good reason to believe they are true. It has, however, also been used by Darth Dawkins and, if more rarely, certain members of his innermost circle of followers in an attempt to belittle those who hold beliefs that he disagrees with by accusing them of having already drunk the kool-aid.
2In recognition of the fact that this idiom is regarded by some of those who knew the victims of this tragedy to be a highly offensive expression born out of a nightmare, using the phrase “Drinking the Kool Aid” is discouraged by the authors of this glossary as an idiom that is in bad taste, ethically speaking.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Evasive” = Denoting someone who is disallowing the usage of Darth’s script on them. Giving a non yes/no answer or giving context of why you’ve answered in the way that you did (see “bloviate”).
“Evolution” = Evolution by natural selection is a scientific theory pertaining to the biodiversity on planet Earth, more specifically the process by which the different living organisms seen in the natural world has developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Simply defined by creationists and Christian presuppositionalists as “universal common ancestry”, who subscribe to “micro-evolution”, which refers to little changes that occurs over a short amount of time, as seen with the example of different breeds of dogs, but reject “macro-evolution”, the accumulation of many small changes over time into a big change that is so profound that one can say that speciation has occurred, such as the one seen with the evidence that dogs and bears are related.3
3 One piece of evidence is available here.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Filibustering” = Denoting the act of carrying oneself in an obstructive manner, especially by speaking at inordinate length. One of the few words Darth appears to have the correct definition on, in principle, though he still manages to misapply it by accusing various interluctorers of filibustering if they get too close to making a good point. Can alternatively be equivalent to “Gobbledygook”
“Fuckery” Darth’s pedagogy= see: Deceptive artifice, Chicaneries, Subterfuge, Stratagem, Underhanded
“Gish Galloping” = a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for the accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish, who used the technique frequently against proponents of evolution.
“God” = That which is ultimate, eternal, personal, absolute and the origin point of all dependent facts.
“Gobbledygook” = Denoting an argument, opinion or belief that Darth disagrees with. Alternatively used as a sort of dismissal if the topic bores him or if it is one he doesn’t have a good counter argument for.
“Gold on Mars” = Often used as an example of something that you can be agnostic on, as opposed to the Christian God, about whom Darth will claim that you can not be agnostic about, despite the fact that the word “agnosticism” by definition deals with the God claim specifically, and not other topics one might not be certain about.
“Greg Bahnsen” = An American Calvinist philosopher, apologist, and debater who served as a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a full-time Scholar in Residence for the Southern California Center for Christian Studies. Bahnsen is also considered a contributor to the field of Christian apologetics, as he popularized the presuppositional method of Cornelius Van Til , and are hence frequently referenced by Darth Dawkins. 4
4 Please see letter V for more information about Van Til.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Hecklers” = Usually referring to someone who is “heckling”, commonly defined as “an individual who interrupts (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse.” Often used by Darth in a manner that is synonymous with his usage of the word “troll”.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“I am not hogging the microphone” (cliche) = Occasionally said by Darth as a way of trying to give the impression of being more charitable with the time he permits interlocutores to speak compared to himself than is actually the case, as well as a “polite” excuse of continuing to talk over people without letting them respond.
“Interpreted” (fact) = A quality of being derived from God’s existence, without which they’re somehow not intelligible.
“Iron-clad” = Said by Darth while assuring an interlocutor that the opinion he either has or is about to express is infallible.
“Irreducible primary” = Short version of eternal, universal and unconditionally non-dependent. “It necessarily follows” = Roughly synonymous with “iron-clad”.
“I don’t mean to insult you” (cliche) = Usually said right before a slew of insults commences.
“I could be your Daddy” (cliche) = used as a creepy tactic to undermine/discount everything the interlocutor has said because they may be younger than Darth by some arbitrary number of years (usually upwards of 20 years).
“I don’t know” = The intellectually honest acknowledgement of our limited knowledge and understanding about things we do not have an answer for yet, often treated as ontologically “the ultimate basis of the atheist” by Darth. He somehow likes to paint the unbeliever into saying/meaning the literal phrase “I don’t know” created the universe.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Jacobins” = Synonymous with his usage of the word “troll”. Anyone who shares a similar (most likely accurate) criticism about Darth. Come from a historical reference but more so from a guy named Jack who has a lot of history combating with Darth.
“Laws of Logic” = Referring to the three fundamental axiomatic rules upon which rational discourse itself is often considered to be based. A fierce advocate of the unsubstantiated assertion that these are inherent properties of the Christian God despite their absence from Biblical scriptures. He is prone to anger if you don’t accept this.
“Like a deer in the headlights” = An idiom that refers to someone caught in a state of paralyzing surprise, fear, or bewilderment. Likened to the tendency of deer to freeze in place in front of an oncoming vehicle, it can be used to denote one or more individuals who over the course of a debate or a discussion have had their arguments thoroughly refuted and suddenly finds themselves at a loss for words because they have no immediate idea of where to go from there. Only occasionally used accurately by Darth, he will more often than not misappropriate the expression while referring to someone who has, rather than falling into his trap wherein he tricks someone to accept premises that would subtly lead them to employ faulty reasoning, and hence deprived him of a “gotcha” argument, refused to answer the question the way he wanted them to.
“Loaded question” = A question with a false or questionable presupposition that are particularly (and notoriously) effective at derailing rational debates because of their inflammatory nature, as the fallacy is “loaded” with said dubious presumption and presented in such a manner that it appears to be a matter of fact. As a result, the recipient of the loaded question is compelled to defend themselves and may appear flustered or on the back foot. Employed by Darth in such a manner that if you say yes, Darth’s point is somehow validated and true, and if you say no, he will go through the past ten to fifteen minutes worth of word salad again because the recipient “was not understanding” him. Typical example: “when did you stop beating your wife?”
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Matt Slick” = A pastor and apologist. He is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry,
“Mute” = The process of controlling the interrogation by muting (and sometimes deafening) the interlocutor.
“Mod abuse” = Having to endure mods and admins expecting him to follow the rules of the server outside of his own personal little sandbox. What happens when the admins of the server, who allow Darth to have a significant role on the platform for popularity and traffic, finally have enough of his shenanigans and have to reduce to childish tactics themselves to get any kind of response out of him.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Natural Revelation” = The process of looking at a tree or something else in nature and “deducing” that the Christian God exists.
“Nine-grade lunch table” (cliche) = Darth’s nickname for any voice chat that is not an echo chamber where he exerts authority.
“Necessary prerequisites for intelligibility and/or casual connections”
● Having made the leap of concluding that the principle of cause and effect is somehow evidence for God, this string of words are typically brought up as a question by Darth, rhetorical or otherwise, for which the correct answer is “God” or the creation myth presented in the Bible.
● Having also determined that since humans have brains sufficiently sophisticated to process and interpret sensory input is a bit of a miracle, (in this, he rejects the fact that our brains have evolved this way, and that we have sacrificed physical prowess for an intellectual one), and the correct answer for how the human brain is capable of such complex thought is to credit our intellectual prowess to God
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Overtalking” = Denoting any individual who wants Darth to talk with them as opposed to be talking at them. Trying to get a word in edgewise after a ten minute lecture on a topic you probably didn’t even reference.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Pathological liar” = Synonymous with his usage of the word “deceptive”.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Slogan” = A short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising, sometimes used as synonymously with the word “catchphrase”. According to Darth Dawkins, epistemological rules of thumb and a number of logical fallacies both suddenly
become “atheist slogans” when they are pointed out in his arguments by atheists.
“Special Revelation” = Anything you claim to know by special pleading, begging the question and/or an appeal to authority fallacy. Usually in the form of reading a Bible verse or passage.
“STOP!!!” = Time’s up, you have talked for at least a minute and a half, the next twenty belong to Darth. “Servermute” = See ‘mute’. Darth’s last resort weapon when the interrogation doesn’t go as planned.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“T.A.G.” = Transcendental Argument for God.
“That which is ultimate, universal and unconditionally non-dependent” = “God” or “First Cause”, treated as synonymous. The way to define God into existence, aka the “ultimacy of reality” or the “irreducible primary.”
“The ultimacy of reality” = Synonymous with the above.
“Transcendental necessity” = A fancy way of saying that without God, as the alleged creator of the universe, we can’t exist without him first existing to create us..
“Troll” = Anyone he perceives as a threat whose questions he cannot answer
“Trolling” = The act of disagreeing with him.
“Trolling with your mods” = Denoting a moderator or admin enforcing inconvenient server rules. “Truth” = That which comports to the mind of God.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Ultimate context” = Natural and/or special revelation.
“Uninterpreted” (fact) = A fact that is not claimed to be derived from God’s existence, and hence somehow magically becomes incoherent.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Van Til” = Dutch-American Christian philosopher and theologian by the name of Cornelius Van Til, (1895-1987), credited as being the originator of modern presuppositional apologetics and whose conclusions Darth have patterned his narrow-minded fundementalist Christian theological worldview. Often referred to by him as an appeal to authority, Darth will occasionally refer to a Van Til’s quote “Christianity is true because of the impossibility of its denial”, which of course is nothing more than an empty assertion. He often use it to validate or re-emphasize his own argument.
“Violating your own principle” = Having a varying (lower) degree of confidence/need for justification as one gets closer to “the bedrock of one’s own epistemology.” To the presupper, this sounds like you know things, but don’t know things at the same time and in the same way.
Darth Dawkins; aka Crushin’ Atheism, Evolution False – Glossary
“Worldview” (fact) = Christianity. Since it’s the only actual way to really view anything, meaning that broadly speaking, no other worldview actually exists.
“White noise” = Synonymous with Gobbledygook.
“Whistling past the graveyard” (cliche) = Often used to denote people who use humour to deal with frightening or difficult situations. Used by Darth in a derogatory manner when people disagree with him too much, meaning that he has just somehow convinced himself you are afraid “to face him in an “honest” discussion.’ “Wasting my time” = Uttered as a way of ending a discussion prior to the server muting the person he was talking to in cases where the conversation is not going the way he wants it too.
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