Monday, July 13, 2020

Female Feminist Atheists Tell Me To Fuck Off

I went into a Subreddit called GodlessWomen to ask them their opinion on the false Sexual Assault Allegations in the atheist community and the #MeToo Movement.

Immediately four of the female atheist feminists told me to fuck off.

Screen Shot Of Me Confronting My Fellow Female Atheists On Reddit About False Sexual Assault Allegations In The Atheist Community:

Reddit Mensrights Subreddit Screen shot

This is what I posted "I think the female atheists should speak out against these mass amounts of false accusations of sexual assault in the atheist community. Atheists like Richard Carrier, Neil Degrass Tyson, Michael Shermer and David Silverman are having their careers ruined over baseless allegations."

If there is no evidence then the accused is innocent. To give credence to an accusation/theory etc merely because it is articulated is not a true skeptical approach. It is a cynical approach allowing the individual to use their own personal desires or selfish bias alone to decide the truth. The basis of our legal system is NOT that the accused must prove that he is innocent but that the accuser MUST PROVE that the accused is guilty. There by if saying that the accused is guilty only on the basis of being accused by some one who very likely has something to gain from it is just wrong. This very basis works in favor of the accuser to protect them from defamation suits as the accused then becomes the accuser by saying they were "damaged" in someway, and now MUST PROVE the how why and often intent. More often if there is no evidence that it did happen then there is no evidence that it didn't. Which leads us back to those pesky personal desires and selfish bias. Which is why these types of accusations SHOULD NEVER be trialled in the court of public opinion. Which is what the left and their feminists love to do. 

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