Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Atheist Community Of Austin Discord Server

ACA Discord server

Atheist Community Of Austin Discord Server

The ACA has a subreddit and a Discord Server. The third wave feminists have taken over the Discord chat.

The Atheist Community of Austin(ACA) is a non-profit organization, founded in 1996, based in Austin, Texas. Their goal is to promote positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Matt Dillahunty is the current president of the ACA since 2019.
The ACA sponsors a weekly Austin-based webcast and cable access television show. The Atheist Experience is hosted by Matt Dillahunty, and is a discussion show inviting calls from the viewers. The show is streamed over the Internet, offered as a podcast, and clips are unofficially posted to YouTube. A line is reserved for Austin callers, and theists are encouraged to participate in the show - so long they have better arguments than "open your heart to Jaysus and yawl see that he's real!" The Atheist Experience airs each Sunday from 16:30 to 18:00 Central Time.

The ACA Discord is now controlled by crazy feminists and the male moderators are silenced.

Female In ACA Discord Server "
I have deliberately broken Discord rules in text chat in front of him since then and he just ignores it. He is too afraid to use his moderator power on me. It's so fucked up!! I feel kind of sorry for the guy but what more effective way to wake people up?"

ACA Discord Server

ACA Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.gg/Szwugqb

Some people have suggested that third wave feminism could qualify as a religion under some anthropologists' definitions. However, regardless of this, the people who identify as feminists are bound to believe in some type of bullshit as the whole concept of being a feminist relies heavily upon the concepts of victim complexes and self-guilt.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Female Feminist Atheists Tell Me To Fuck Off

I went into a Subreddit called GodlessWomen to ask them their opinion on the false Sexual Assault Allegations in the atheist community and the #MeToo Movement.

Immediately four of the female atheist feminists told me to fuck off.

Screen Shot Of Me Confronting My Fellow Female Atheists On Reddit About False Sexual Assault Allegations In The Atheist Community:

Reddit Mensrights Subreddit Screen shot

This is what I posted "I think the female atheists should speak out against these mass amounts of false accusations of sexual assault in the atheist community. Atheists like Richard Carrier, Neil Degrass Tyson, Michael Shermer and David Silverman are having their careers ruined over baseless allegations."

If there is no evidence then the accused is innocent. To give credence to an accusation/theory etc merely because it is articulated is not a true skeptical approach. It is a cynical approach allowing the individual to use their own personal desires or selfish bias alone to decide the truth. The basis of our legal system is NOT that the accused must prove that he is innocent but that the accuser MUST PROVE that the accused is guilty. There by if saying that the accused is guilty only on the basis of being accused by some one who very likely has something to gain from it is just wrong. This very basis works in favor of the accuser to protect them from defamation suits as the accused then becomes the accuser by saying they were "damaged" in someway, and now MUST PROVE the how why and often intent. More often if there is no evidence that it did happen then there is no evidence that it didn't. Which leads us back to those pesky personal desires and selfish bias. Which is why these types of accusations SHOULD NEVER be trialled in the court of public opinion. Which is what the left and their feminists love to do. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Rebecca Vitsmum Sexual Assault Accusation Against David Silverman

Rebecca Vitsmum False Sexual Allegations

Crazy Feminist Atheist

Rebecca Vitsum accused David Silverman touching her sacrum without her permission, her thoughts about the matter and her court hearing endeavoring to get a restraining order against David Silverman.

Rebecca claimed she had an orgasm she couldn't control 😊when David touched her back summarized by Brett Keane in this video:

Silverman contends that he did not inappropriately touch Rebecca Vitsmun. 

Rebecca Vitsmun filed a restraining order against Silverman, but the judge denied her petition because the judge did not see a pattern of sexual harassment against her by Silverman. However, Vitsmun has filed a battery charge against Silverman with the police.

Rebecca Vitsmun has filed a battery allegation with the police against atheist David Silverman and indicates he caressed her sacrum without her permission (the sacrum is a bone at the base of the lower back that is above the tailbone) Dogma Debate interview audio clip with the female atheist who accused David Silverman of sexual assualt.

Rebecca Vitsmum says she was "involuntary sexually aroused" when David touched her back

Rebecca set up David Silverman. I believe that because he did not act inappropriate, which I believe was there the girls intent was to get him to a party and witnessed him behaving and appropriately there for backing up the other two complaints because she personally knows those women. I believe since nothing happened inappropriately at the party at the two were left to devise something that occurred well remember when he rubbed your back or touched your back or whatever will have to go with that one. I do believe at some point she started to believe her story I do not believe that at the intent was there and you must have been tense shit for it to be an assault. I believe that Rebecca is ruining she is part of the problem with me to movement. She's overly dramatic present signs of borderline personality which would back up the fact that she's had some trauma in her past, I have no doubt that she has. Just because somebody has had trouble in the past is not means everybody comes in contact with you when you appear to be crippled and needing help when somebody walks up to you and ask if you need help and touches you her turning that into a sexual salt and making such a big deal about it should be a crime.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

ACA Discord Server Slaves To Women

aca, discord

My ACA Discord Server Experience

I went into the Atheist Community Of Austin Discord server and started talking about how fucked up it was that the atheist movement had been taking over by crazy feminists. I think the female atheists should speak out against these mass amounts of false accusations of sexual assault in the atheist community. Atheists like Richard Carrier, Neil Degrass Tyson, Michael Shermer and David Silverman are having their careers ruined over baseless allegations. Men are afraid to oppose it because they are afraid of being accused themselves.

So in the ACA Discord server I was talking about American Atheists firing David Silverman and a male moderator muted me for "being inflammatory". It was a small voice chat with only 2 other males. I was so annoyed with the male atheist moderator for silencing me when it was people like him who I was speaking out for. 

So I said to him "I noticed in the "skeptic" community all it takes is a woman's accusation of sexual assault to destroy a man's career and life. No further evidence necessary. So if you use your moderator powers to mute me again in this Discord server I will go shout to all the other admins and moderators that you were sexually harassing me in voice chat. Then you will not be a moderator here any longer."

The male moderator was silent for a long time and then responded "Can I get that in writing?" Seems like an odd response but I think he was stunned and speechless so it was just occurred to him to say in order to try to get some evidence that I was lying or something. The other 2 males in the room didn't say anything. When he asked me that I screamed "Stop harrassing me!!" and he left the voice chat. Then he typed in the General Chat that he gave me my text chat privileges back and signed offline!


Now every time I join a chat he is in he quickly exists. I have deliberately broken Discord rules in text chat in front of him since then and he just ignores it. He is too afraid to use his moderator power on me. It's so fucked up!! I feel kind of sorry for the guy but what more effective way to wake people up?

David Silverman was accused of "sexual assault" by 3 different female atheist crazy feminists. One of which was Matt Dillahunty's ex-wife Beth Presswood

I do think when evil Men like Dillahunty who aid feminism in poisoning the Atheist Community they deserve to be victim's of false allegations. Actually it is really funny. David Silverman became a victim only after he helped Feminists take over. I told him so in a Q&A on Discord:

What ever happened to Beth Presswood?

Intelligent Design Argument Jack Angstreich vs Creationist

Intelligent design debate on Discord. Jack Angstreich vs Creationist argument about the definition of complexity in DNA and whether or not irreducible complexity would be evidence for a god or evidence against evolution. Creationism and Evolution is presented as a dichotomy.